Small Group Guidance

*The social success of students significantly impacts academics and is critical to student development at the elementary school. Each lesson is tailored to the appropriate age level. Groups typically run once a week for 6 weeks but that is determined by the need of each group. Groups are developed periodically throughout the school year as needed and usually involve 2-6 students. I will send permission slips home if your child is asked to participate in a specific group!*


Groups may include but are not limited to the following:


Safely Handling Anger- 


Students learn that anger is normal and that they can develop healthy and safe ways in which to cope with this feeling.This group provides opportunities for exercising and enhancing impulse and anger control when faced with conflict. It is a time for students to participate in a small group interacting and communicating with each other about ways to engage in problem solving rather than choosing aggression. Students will have the chance to practice appropriate interactions in an informal and controlled setting .



Strategies for ADHD-

This group provides opportunities for exercising and enhancing impulse control, listening skills, taking turns, and conflict resolution. It is a time for students to participate in a small group interacting and communicating with each other.



Changing Families -

Students learn that adults sometimes have to make difficult decisions and kids often have no control over a situation. Learning that they are still loved and cared for even if it is not how they are used to their life looking. This group can help children better cope with divorce and separation issues such as loss, confusion, guilt, etc. This can be done through discussion topics, reading books about the subject areas, and through structured role play and games. The groups will talk about what divorce means and will discuss ways of dealing with problems and feelings that come up, as well as work on developing appropriate solutions for these issues.



Developing Positive Self-Esteem-

Learning that EVERYONE has different strengths and challenges inside and outside of school. Students learn to identify things they are good at and what makes them a positive and unique individual. This group can help students boost their own self-confidence and self-worth by focusing on qualities and areas where he/she excels. Positive self-esteem helps students develop healthy relationships with others, take on challenges in academic areas, and make good choices! Students will develop tools to help them respect themselves and appreciate others.



Social Skills -

Working, playing, and learning together can sometimes be extremely challenging for students. This group allows children a chance to work together in a controlled environment with other students to gain positive and successful interactions with others.